kin·dle / ˈkindl / past tense: kindled means: to light or set on fire. •to arouse or inspire | chak·ra/ ˈCHäkrə /noun/ ancient Sanskrit word meaning: wheel •one of seven centers of spiritual power in the human body.

Take that first step in reclaiming your peace and rekindling your Chakras.

About Kindled Chakras

At Kindled Chakras, we aim to provide tools to aid in your emotional and spiritual health + wellness. Created by an ambitious Black Woman, our mission is to elevate the collective Prana, or 'Life force', within the Black community; and amongst other marginalized communities. It is essential to help all of our people reach an overall state of well-being in the body, mind and soul. We welcome you with an open heart, and ask you to open your heart and mind to the exciting possibilities in store for you. Healing is universal.